Our Artists: David Currier
October 22nd - November 27th, 2022
Opening Reception, October 22nd, 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
David Currier is a Charlottesville artist who paints and sculpts in a variety
of materials. His large scale sculpture was included in three of
Charlottesville’s outdoor sculpture exhibits, Art-In-Place. More recently
he has had two solo shows of painting and sculpture at the McGuffey Art
Center and drawings shown at Tango on Water in Charlottesville.
David studied with Joseph Stapleton at the New York Art Students League
and worked along side many professional artists while working at Tallix
Art Foundry. He established his studio in Virginia and continued assisting
artists in creating monumental sculpture. From his studio he has also
created models and environments for museum exhibits all over the country.
His sculpture is often executed in cast paster and welded steel. The resulting industrial
look pays respect to the labor of craftsmen working with their hands and lives. He works in the language of art attempting to express ideas, feelings, philosophical tenets, and satirical commentary which are often beyond his understanding, hoping the resulting work will strike a cord with others. Understanding is not as important as allowing.